Pack 625 tries to keep the costs of scouting as low as possible while trying to maintain a quality program that is fun and engaging for Scouts and their families. However, supplies and materials do need to be replaced from time to time. Pack 625's primary method of replacing large items is through fundraising. However, there are a few things that fundraising doesn't quite cover during the year. Below are the items that the yearly Pack dues cover for your scouting experience. Nobody will be turned away from scouts due to any financial hardship. If you need assistance, please contact our treasurer ( so we can talk through where and how we can help.
What do my Pack dues pay for?
1 Campout (Spring) per year
Advancement Awards (belt loops, pins, patches)
Pinewood Derby Racing Supplies (Awards, Ribbons, Pinewood Derby Cars, Race software, Tracks)
Raingutter Regatta Racing Supplies (Awards, Ribbons, Boat Supplies)
Other Activities (Blue & Gold Banquet, Holiday Party, Pack Graduation, meeting supplies)
What do I have to buy on my own?
Uniform (Cap, Shirt, Belt, Neckerchief, Neckerchief Slide) [see our Resources/Uniforms page for specific information about Pack uniforms]
Scout Handbook (new Scouts registering between 08/01-10/31 for the 2023-2024 school year will receive a free handbook)
Fall Camping Trip (nominal fee - typically $30 per scout; Summer Overnight "big trip" Activities (typically $85-$150 per person)
It's important to note that not all of the Pack's costs are covered during the year. This is why it is important for the scouts to actively participate in fundraising activities such as selling beef sticks and camp cards. These activities will help the Scouts "earn their way" and can be used towards costs such as paying for our Summer "big trip."