Pinewood Derby Rules
Regular Race Rules
So you want to race in the Pinewood Derby? The Pinewood Derby has been part of Cubscouts for over XX years. It's the largest and most anticipated event of Pack 625! ... and YES parents CAN race!!!
Before you begin, it's important to understand the rules of the race. The main goal of the race is that everyone is safe and has fun. Any car that is built, is subject to disqualification if the race official (typically either the Race Chair, Cubmaster, or Committee Chair) feels that a car is not safe. To be sure our Pack meets the criteria for scouts to potentially race at the district or council level, we adhere to the general Cubscout rules as follows...
**NOTE** These rules apply the day of the event. If your car meets these specifications the night before, but fails the next morning, you will be required to modify your car the day of to meet these rules prior to racing or you will not be allowed to race.
The car cannot be longer than 7 inches at the longest points (Your car is 7 inches out of the box).
The car cannot be wider than 2 3/4 inches including the wheels (Your car is 1 3/4 inches out of the box without wheels).
The car cannot weigh more than 5 ounces.
All key components of the car must be official Scouts BSA materials (body, axels, wheels). This keeps the race fair to all and puts emphasis on the skill of the build, and removes any "pay to win" type factor of the race. Weights and decorations are exempt from this rule.
No wheel bearings, bushings, or washers are allowed.
No liquid lubricants of any kind are allowed.
Cars may not ride on any springs.
Cars must be "free-wheeling". Any sort of starting device or any method to assist starting the car is prohibited.
All parts of the car must be securely attached to the car. Any loose parts must be removed at the time of check-in and can be added at the end of racing for decoration for the Cubmaster's Choice award.
Discrepancies in the Race
Any discrepancies or issues during the race should be brought up as soon as they are discovered during the race. The Race Chair is the only one with the authority to disqualify any racer. In the event that there is a timing error, the entire heat will be re-run.
Outlaw Race
Pack 625 always has an outlaw race which is open to everyone. There are only a couple rules to the Outlaw race.
1) The car must be able to be controlled. Electronic or other propellants such as compress gas of any kind (CO2, etc) are not allowed unless they can be "runed off" remotely during a race.
2) Cars must fit on the track and through the finish gate without interfering with other cars. Cars that will not fit through the finish gate without affecting other cars will not be allowed to race.