Software Setup

Setup a new database

2) Rename the newly copied file with the format of YYYYPWD.  The race in the year 2023 would be named "2023PWD.sqlite"

3) Move any previous year databases (ex. 2022PWD.sqlite) into the PWD Archive folder.

4) Open the GrandPrix Race Manager software

5) Open the database file for the new race by using the "Open" prompt under the "Data File" menu. Find the newly created database file from step 2 and click "Open".

All of the main setup should be completed for you.  You can verify this by looking at the home screen to ensure that the next step is to "Register Racers" like the screenshot below. After you complete each step, you will see a blue check mark next to the step telling you what is next.  NOTE: You can always go back and do any step in the process even if there is a blue check mark.  This is helpful if you have any late registrations.